Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Enterprises Getting Ready to Deploy 5G Use Cases

It still is possible to hear complaints that “5G does not add value” or “has not changed end user experience” or “boosted average revenue per account.”

Such comments should be expected early in the roll out of any mobile next-generation network, especially in a large, continent-sized market where coverage always takes years. Also, in a few markets, where low-band spectrum has underpinned the rollout, the limited change in user experience also is to be expected. 

Not until mid-band spectrum is widely deployed will users see significant speed advances, for example. 

Much the same set of complaints arguably apply to business and enterprise value from 5G. But a new survey sponsored by Insight Enterprises, and conducted by IDG, finds 5G at the top of a list of information and communications  technologies to be added over the next year. 

source: IDG, Insight Enterprises

The point is that we are early in the 5G era, and it always takes time for value to be grasped when a new mobile network platform is being adopted. 

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