Monday, December 21, 2020

Three UK Customer Average Data Consumption Now Exceeds 15 GB

Three UK says its customers now average 15 gigabytes of mobile data consumption each month, Three UK says. Three UK customers have in the past consumed about three times as much mobile data as other U.K. mobile customers.

One possible explanation for that difference is that Three UK customers are more likely than customers of other mobile networks to rely on mobile-only access. The likely reason for that behavior is Three’s marketing emphasis on large usage buckets and unlimited plans.   

According to 2018 data from Ericsson, that would be anomalous, as the Western Europe average was about 6.1 GB per month. 

source: Ericsson 

That compares with a U.S. average of about 8.6 GB data consumption, according to Ericsson. The difference might lie in the higher amount of Wi-Fi offload in the U.S. market or work from home policies that kept people indoors more than usual, and lead to increased fixed network data consumption.  

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