Thursday, February 22, 2018

5G Will Use Millimeter Wave and "All the Above" Frequencies

Unlike earlier mobile network generations, there will not be such a close association between particular platforms and particular frequencies. Analog mobile was based on use of 800-MHz frequencies.

The 2G network added 900 MHz and 1.8-GHz frequencies.

Spectrum including signals at 400 MHz, 900 MHz and 1.8 GHz anchored 3G. The 4G network used more spectrum at 2.1-GHz, plus additional 600-MHz, 700-MHz or 1.8 GHz spectrum in some markets.  

The coming 5G networks will add use of millimeter wave spectrum in many bands, as well as repurposed spectrum from former 2G and eventually 3G bands as well. To a greater extent than in the past, 5G will use “any spectrum,” licensed or unlicensed, across a bewildering range of frequencies.

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