Monday, May 18, 2020

Tough to Break Through App Clutter

Getting people to change habits is very difficult online, whether that is convincing them to adopt a new social, communications, shopping or information app. Getting a new mobile app to break through the clutter is perhaps equally hard. 


Games arguably are different, as each new game is a discrete new app. But most non-game apps must vy for attention against hundreds of thousands of other apps. 


Mobile app use is highly specific. Most people in 2015 actually relied on just three apps, according to comScore, no matter how many they had loaded on their devices. That has not changed much, despite the explosion of mobile app availability. 


In 2020, In the United States, mobile users spend 96 percent of their time using a total of 10 apps, over a month’s time, comScore says. Fully half of users spend half of total app time with a single favored app. After the top three apps, usage dips into low single digits very rapidly. 


source: comScore


Nor is it easy to get attention. In 2019, over half of all U.S. mobile users downloaded zero new apps every month. And most new apps get used just once, testament to the difficulty of establishing a new habit. 


On a monthly basis, people use just about 20 apps total, at any point during the month. 

source: Statista


The point is that chances of breaking through mobile app clutter are nearly impossible, in most cases.

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