Friday, June 1, 2018

Would T-Mobile Sprint Merger Accelerate 5G Adoption?

Would a merger between Sprint and T-Mobile US speed up 5G adoption in the U.S. market? Yes, says Strategy Analytics. By 2023, the merged T-Mobile US/Sprint operations will have outperformed the individual operations by one percentage point market share of gross additions, 0.5 percentage point of subscription market share, and 0.4 percentage points of revenue market share.

On the other hand, the less-competitive pricing landscape would mean higher revenue and profits for the merged entities than if they remained independent companies.

So there is a reason supporters of the merger talk about “getting to 5G faster,” rather than consumer benefits. Producer benefits are to be expected, not consumer benefits (lower prices, for example).

Nor is it entirely clear, the number of 5G customers would necessarily increase, as AT&T and Verizon would be expected to get most of the customers, in any case.

source: Strategy Analytics

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