Monday, June 27, 2016

Boeing Proposes Low Earth Orbit Satellite Constellation in 50-GHz Band

With news that Boeing now proposed to launch its own low earth orbit satellite constellation, using 50-GHz spectrum, some might once again note that there is a potential oversupply of LEOS constellations, even if Boeing intends a service that solely serves businesses, not consumers.

Boeing plans to launch 1,396 satellites into low-Earth orbit within six years of the license approval, ultimately deploying 2,956 satellites designed to provide internet and communications services for commercial and government users around the globe.

SpaceX and OneWeb propose constellations that largely would aim to provide Internet access for consumers.

Some of you with longer memories will remember an earlier period in the 1990s when Iridium and Teledesic proposed similar LEOS constellations, ultimately to no avail. Proponents of the latest generation of LEOS proposals will point to vastly different market conditions and infrastructure costs, both of which are substantially true arguments.

So most proponents of new LEOS constellations are betting that a few will survive and attain profitability.

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