Thursday, March 16, 2017

More U.K. Spectrum for Wi-Fi

Ofcom, the United Kingdom communications regulator, has decided to authorize an additional 125 MHz of capacity for Wi-Fi  in the 5-GHz band (5725 GHz to 5850 GHz). That is the first step in what might be additional actions, including allowing Wi-Fi use in the 5850-MHz to 5925 MHz band now used to support mobile operations.

The additional spectrum will allow for wider channels, which should improve bandwidth efficiency and support higher speeds. The number of 80 MHz channels will increase from four to six. Three additional 40 MHz channels and six additional 20 MHz channels would also be available.

Ofcom also says itg could open up spectrum for Wi-Fi at 5350-MHz to 5470-MHz band as well.  

Ironically, moves to add more Wi-Fi spectrum in the millimeter wave bands in the U.S. market are happening at the same time that all four leading U.S. mobile service providers now are offering unlimited use plans. In principle, that means some customers might no longer have an incentive to switch access to Wi-Fi, since doing so does not save money or improve user experience (Wi-Fi tends to be slower than 4G).   

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